Can I use another individual's credit card not listed as a property owner to make a payment on my profile?
A credit, debit, or bank account under a different name can be used to make a payment.
Simply click Add Credit/Debit Card or Link Bank Account, fill out the required information, and click on the blue button at the bottom of the page (see Add a Payment Method to a MyToronto Pay Profile)
After adding your payment method and confirming that your information is all correct, click the blue Pay $--.-- button to complete your City of Toronto property tax payment.
Once complete, you’ll receive a receipt and confirmation number via email, which will include the payer’s account information, as well as the property owner’s account information.
Your privacy and confidentiality is secure with MyToronto Pay. We will not disclose a balance due or amounts to anyone other than the property owner. You must use your customer identification number to log in to your MyToronto Pay account to add a payment method.